Mouth Rinsing


              Generally proper brushing & flossing will loosen food particles & tooth plaque bacteria. These loosen particles can be easily removed by vigorous rinsing with water.

              Repeated rinsing also results in a rapid lowering of sugar level in saliva, therefore, it is recommended that after having sugar rich food, one should rinse his or her mouth vigorously two or three times with as much water as possible to held in the mouth.
(chlorhexidine mouth rinse?)

Bad breath (Hallitosis) :

               Bad breath also known as halitosis is caused primarily by volatile sulfure compoundas, specifically hydrogen sulfide & methyl / mercaption which result from degradation of sulfur containing proteins.

               The foul smell may have oral cause or might caused by extra oral factors. Some of oral contributing factors are retention of odoriferous food partical on or in between teeth, in carities or on tongue, artificial dentures. Smokers breath & healing surgical or extraction wounds etc.Tooth decay & gum diseases can cause foul smell because of accumulated food debris.Extra-oral sources include respiratory tract infection such as bronchitis, pneumonia etc, or Breath odour due to aromatic substances in blood stream. (Diabetic breath, alcoholic or uremic breath)