Inlays/ Onlays

                 An inlay restoration is a custom designed filling made of composite material, gold, or tooth-colored porcelain. Out of these porcelain inlays are the most popular because they resemble your natural tooth – not only cosmetically but also in strength. Moreover, porcelain inlays once bonded to the tooth actually strengthens the tooth unlike silver fillings which weaken a tooth and ultimately cause it to fracture.

                Dental inlays lie within the cusps on the chewing surface of teeth. A dental onlay, on the other hand, is more extensive than an dental inlay, and tends to cover multiple cusp areas.

                Dental Inlays and Onlays can be thought of as dental procedures that are midway between a dental filling and a dental crown. They are normally used when there is not enough tooth structure to support a filling, yet there is also not enough damage to support a dental crown.

                Inlays can be utilized to conservatively repair teeth that have large defective fillings or have been damaged by decay or trauma. Inlays are an ideal alternative to conventional silver and composite fillings. Also, they are more conservative than crowns because less tooth structure is removed in the preparation of inlays. They are highly durable and will last many years, giving you a beautiful long lasting smile.

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